Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Symbiotic Cycle of Life

Today a sad event occurred. Tony's great aunt Ethel passed away early this morning. She had been struggling with cancer and in the end, she managed to live through her 92nd birthday. Because of the timing, we will unfortunately be able to attedn her funeral.

As I think about all of this though I realize witht eh passing of an elderly loved one, will come another cycle - a marriage. And within about a week of that we expect to also be blessed by adding a new member to our family with a baby nephew. Quite the trifecta of life cycles to be occurring like this.

Our family is beginning and growing and in a couple years will be expanding ourselves. It seems the moms are getting excited for grandbabies. I guess I am starting to get a little excited for babies. But we have a wedding to go to first!

Spekaing of which, in about 26 hours, we are headed east. East to do our wedding duties and fun parties and events. East to see family and friends who are spending significant money and taking time out of their schedules to be there for Tony and I. It really is appreciated.

Until then - BON VOYAGE! Will see you when I get back!

1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

Yahoo!!! Colorado, here we come!