Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My Big Shit Box

So one of my more brilliant ideas was to create a big cat box in the garage of our house that our precious kitties could go into from the house - effectively keeping the litter boxes out of the house and instead contained in the garage. Yes I know it is brilliant. So it took me a loooong time to convince my husband this was a great idea (mainly because it entailed curbing our garage storage space as well as cutting a hole in our house), but he finally caved after a couple years and agreed with me once it became apparent that it was a pain with company to have the boxes in our house (especially company with children that might be staying), the thought of us having a baby and the extra room we need and also he got tired of smelling cat litter and the like.

So a friend of ours came out and did the work for us. Essentially we have a 3 and a half foot long by two feet deep by 2 and a half feet tall box with a lid that opens up so I can get to the litter boxes from inside the garage. Yes I know my cats are a little spoiled - but really, it is more out of sheer laziness by their momma. The kitties however enter through the house - right behind the front door via a pet door.

Getting the cats to go in and and of the new litter box I didn't think was going to be too hard as long as the pet door was open. But I was concerned about the cats understanding to use their head to go through the door. We originally thought that Bambi would be the slow to catch on one and Bagheera would get it figured out pretty quick since he likes to head butt us all the time to get attention and love. As it turns out - Bambi caught on much quicker than Baggy. Baggy I presume felt like he was in a big kennel and just kept staring at us from the other side of the see through pet door. We finally helped them both out a little and as soon as Bambi realized she could MOVE the door - she was on it and out. Now, I don't know that she is fully advanced on the door thing - but since Baggy can't figure it out, we rigged the pet door to stay open so they can at least get used to going in and out and that being the new place for them to poop.

Luckily for us - we had no surprises in the house during the first 24 hours of the new box and we had success with kitties going in the box. Step 2 however will be the door. I think we will wait until tomorrow to try the torture chamber routine again. However, the kitties better figure it out pretty quick cause my niece and nephew are coming in a few days and little Gavin doesn't need to be exploring and finding a new toy box and discoverng what kitty treats are. EWWWWW That is something I would like to avoid.

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