Tuesday, June 16, 2009


As I was standing in line at Jamba Juice today after my ever so fun 3 hour glucose test - 16 hours of fasting and 4 blood sticks - a woman walks by me and goes......you are soooo (big) pregnant. Thanks - that made me feel better. And I was even thinking as I stood there that my tshirt was disguising my bigness. Guess I was wrong.

And earlier in the day as I was standing in the elevator during one of the hours of waiting, another woman asked me when I was due, only to hear the one line I really hate people saying to me....oh my goodness how have you been dealing with this heat? So I of course made a comment that this heat was nothing compared to what I have lived in. Try August in Missouri. then you will know what heat is.

And before that as I was sitting in the chairs outside the lab waiting for one of my sticks, a woman was waiting by the elevator, and I just couldn't resist asking her - cause I was at least the same size as her both in height and baby bigness - so how far along are you? 36 weeks she says. 36 FREAKING WEEKS. I am 29. God help me.

There is no way Baby Mort makes it to Aug 30th.

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