Tuesday, December 01, 2009

3 months of reflection

As my baby lay sleeping in his crib, I have taken a few moments to look back on my initial jump into mommy hood and have some thoughts now that I have come out of the fog.

Regarding all the "stuff" that you need upon having a baby.....

Best gizmo --> the wipe warmer - but the Munchkin brand. If you have a boy - warm wipes are essential - unless you enjoy having him pee on you.

Glad I didn't purchase --> the diaper genie - would have been such a waste - and probably would have grossed out my husband with the diaper sausage.

Best toy --> he loves his bug chair Auntie Sarah got him. It's a morning ritual now and he can entertain himself for over 30 minutes sitting in his chair looking at his bugs.

Biggest disappointment --> the bottle warmer. I truly think this is because of the kind of bottles I use and also how I do my bottles - which I had no clue before I had Logan. I use the drop ins and those just don't work well with the warmer. I also use purified water - and I don't batch my formula, so warming the bottle only really comes in handy when I have made a couple bottles cause we are going out - and then he didn't use them and I don't want to waste the formula. For some reason I thought you warmed the bottle because they needed warm fluid - but the temperate bottle is just fine.

Happy surprise --> logan sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. The reality is - I don't know how we got him to do it, I just know that he did. So if I had a second - which I am not doing - I know that baby would NOT sleep through the night for me. LOL

Biggest surprise - how fast he has grown. I kinda thought babies were supposed to be bumps on a log for a few months - but I have realized that is not the case. And my baby is so big now, at 3 months - he only fits into pj's that are 9 months. You think I am kidding> He's almost doubled his birth weight and I am getting ready to buy him stage 3 diapers.

My happy place --> that is probably a tie, I love both seeing my son cuddled on his daddy and when he smiles at me

The biggest thought always in the forefront of my mind --> constant adaptation, what may work today may not work tomorrow and vice versa.

What I am thankful for --> a healthy baby of course! But beyond that, medicine that will allow me to heal, so my son will not know an impaired mommy.....and all the things that go along with that

As to how he is progressing - he is right on track baby! I can't tell you how glad I am that he seems to be good to go on the development side. And mom and dad both have a routine down with him which rocks. However, we just switched him to the fast flow nipple - which he is doing great on! But that means we have another 15 minutes or so extra we now have to entertain him with - and that has seemed a little difficult at the moment. I can't tell you how many times we have said - come on leepy baby - you need to go to sleep. :) And he of course does not look like a leepy baby. I also think we are very soon now going to have to use all those dumb straps that chairs and such come with - he's doing the straight legged grunting slide down the chair thing. That and constantly putting his hands in his mouth - apparently we are at the discovery stage.

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