Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Last 24 hrs

Last night I thought my issues were confined to Tuesday. That was until I walked in to work this AM.

My Tuesday -
It started off on a positive note. We were sending out the CSS email to a targeted list of 1000 people who had kids who were seniors this year. While our open rate was almost 20% and the click through rate was about 10%, we didn't get anyone to bite. But that does not mean the small campaign was not successful. To begin with, the open and click through rate was leaps and bounds better than average. One typically has a 1-3% click through rate so we were above that curve. And realistically, the first few times you start marketing - you usually don't get good responses - all about that power of branding. I don't feel bad nobody bit yet either since the web site needs to be redone - thank you Rob for helping a sis out! - and will be fixed by months end. As well as we are sure many people went home to consult with significant others and their kids. So we shall see if anyone bites over the next week. But I am still a little bummed.

Next came my interview with Microsoft. Yes I had an interview with them after passing a phone interview really well. The problem was I was interviewing with a woman (not always a good sign for me) and not the manager I had on the phone. To begin with - I am NOT a good interviewing candidate. My personality is just too much for a lot of people and as a result it really helps me NOT pass interviews with flying colors. I can't help that I have a lot of energy and am confident and "brutally honest" about things. At the same time it is very frustrating when you know you are ok with yourself and others are not. I hear people tell me that when they first meet me I was so not what they expected and when they tell me this the sad part's like they liked me better over the phone. The weird part for me is - if I lived in the NE, I wouldn't even be discussing this topic. I would fit in. But it is too cold there. :) So I know I did great on about half the interview - but I think I bombed the other half. You know, where they ask you about all of your shortcomings and how you overcame them and all the difficult people and situations you have ever worked with in your life. Yeah, not a strong suit. not because I don't overcome them - but well anyone who knows me can figure out where I am going with this. And there were a lot of those questions by the way.

The cool thing I noticed about MS however was that everyone has an office. Getting to the campus and navigating was easy enough, but once you were inside the building - it was like a maze of winding corridors that went all over the place and you needed a map to maneuver through. In the end, the fact I got to have an interview with MS was pretty exciting and neat and the job would be totally fine to do - but I don't know I got past this girl - which by the way was a pretty girl about my age and dressed up more for the interview than I even though people were wearing shorts all over campus on a 91 degree weather day in Seattle - which is hot for here BTW. So we shall see. I got another email from this Farmer's insurance guy saying my resume had once again passed his desk and to call him blah blah blah. I don't know. Insurance? me? Appeals in a certain way and doesn't in another. I think i should call the guy though - they say their agents make bank even in the first year and they provide office space and advertising.

So then bummed off my interview, my aunt decides to stop by and that was compounded by a change in certain hormone pills that were done in the last month which by the way resulted in a couple of boils on my face. Now let me tell you something - I have had acne since I was 10. I still have it. I do not feel I should be plagued by this issue at the age of 30, and I don't feel that I should have to take medication to be unplagued by it. And when my children unfortunately inherit this awful problem from me - I will do anything and everything I can to make their suffering and teasing be minimal. I hate it that bad. I hate it so much that the fact i have never had actual boils - FREAKED ME OUT. So needless to say my poor husband got the short end of the stick. Luckily he is a great guy and we worked through my shortcomings over the next couple of hours.

So then there is today......
Well I come in to my job I love so dearly *sarcasm dripping*.....and well we sent out our monthly minimum fee invoice to about 1000 people last night and I have about 100 pissed off emails from customers and another 13 messages. So we get to address all these lovely people soon. I am sure it will bring more hate mail. Apparently one guy has already told us he will spend $5K to his lawyer to sue us for the $25.....yeah cause that makes I get to deal with more negative vibes and more people canceling their accounts. People the Titanic is sinking and there is only one life boat left. And while I can swim, right now I feel like I am in the Bering Sea..........

Stay tuned......


Double A's Mom said...

Holy crap, dude. Sending good vibes your way...

The Collegiate Soccer Mod said...

Thanks girl! I need some positive juju right now. I'm trying real hard to stay positive!