Monday, December 22, 2008


We got over 10 inches of snow in Seattle!!!! Don't believe me? Take a look. This is our back deck railing.

And here is me measuring the snow on our back deck. Yes that says 10 inches.

Here is the front area. Notice the walk and drive had been cleared a little bit before the snow stopped?

And then do you see the round bushes to the left. Now look to the right - can't tell there is any type of landscaping beneath that snow eh?

I have to tell you - it has been crazy how a city of several million has just shut down completely!!! And because of it - I have had the pleasure of working from home. I feel like I am back in school I have been home for so long and I'm not "taking days off". Tomorrow I believe I will try to brave the roads and get into work though. Wish me luck!!

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