Monday, December 01, 2008

Well Duh...McFly

It's official: US is in recession

"WASHINGTON – The U.S. economy has been in a recession since December 2007, the National Bureau of Economic Research said Monday.

The White House commented on the news that a second downturn has officially begun on President George W. Bush's watch without ever actually using the word "recession," a term the president and his aides have repeatedly avoided. The decision on the recession means that during the eight years that Bush has been in office, the country has seen two recessions. The first downturn lasted from March 2001 until November of that year.

Many economists believe the current downturn will last until the middle of 2009, and will be the most severe slump since the 1981-82 recession."

Hmmmmmmm......from what I have been hearing, we aren't going to start seeing the light of day until mid 2010 to 2011. Of course we wouldn't want to spark any more fear into the public y being honest or anything. And people wonder why other people lie......

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