Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My First Selfless Act as a Mother (or Traiterous Fan)

So my husband and I had decided that little Baby Mort was going to grow up a Seattle Sports Fan. As a result we added stuff in his room that we had from our sports teams and then of course added some Sounders stuff in there as well. What we didn't have was any Seachicken...I mean Seahawks fan stuff in there. Being that I am a Rams fan and the Seahawks are in our division - you can imagine how this is a bit hard to swallow. So the other day by chance I happened to see a small little Seahawk flag (at 50% off mind you) that I thought would make a good little edition to his room. So I bought it and it will be hanging up shortly. It was hard though buying something that represents a direct rival of something I support. Ah the joys of being a parent. And so it begins....

1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

Nooooooooo! That's the ultimate sacrifice! I still can't bring myself to buy Seachicken stuff even though Bill threatened me and said that we can't move back to WA until I at least "appreciate" the Seachickens. Do I need to send you some Baby Rams stuff?