Thursday, November 01, 2007

How many trick or treaters did YOU get???

This will be the first of at least two posts.

I had 38 trick or treaters!!! I have the last house on the end of a street that those cutie pies have to walk UPHILL just to get to, so I like to decorate it and give them the GOOD candy - cause I want to be that lady!! In fact - I even had one kid tell me last night he remembered me from two years ago!!!! MADE MY NIGHT!!!! And another kid as she was walking away yelled "your house is decorated - that's cool!! Tony just laughed and said - that kid has no idea that she just made your night. LOL - Yes it is true. I remember remembering who the good houses were to go to.

Halloween happens to be one of my favorite holidays. Always has been. I love getting decked out in a costume. I love handing out candy to adorable little kids and seeing all the different creative outfits they go around in. I loved the candy when I was a kid too!!! Probably had something to do with all those cavities I had! And when I got older, I LOVED haunted houses.

Consequently - momma Lori loves Halloween too! Gotta love those apples! So we both are into the decorating the house kind of thing for Halloween. Personally - I am jealous of her mad decorating skills and amount of yard space she has - but it inspires me to be creative. I don't have my Halloween pics up yet - those will come over the next couple of days. But I did have some of my moms - which I would like to share with you.

SO momma Lori always does a cemetery in which she puts names of famous serial killers in history on her tombstones. She names her cemetery Plotters Field. This year her tombstones were even better than last year and to show off her mad skills - take a peek.

Do you see the little cherub has red horns on it!!

I told you she has mad skills!!!! I can't wait to show you my pics!!! One of the things you won't see on my pics though is that i have a fog machine. SO right before I open the door, I hit the fogger button, then open the door, and fog comes rolling out toward the little treaters!!! It's soo cool man! If only my black cat would hang out on the porch while those little kids came by - that would be even cooler!!

1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

Girl, you're crazy! That's why I love you.