Sunday, April 19, 2009

Houston we have movement!

Yesterday Baby Mort decided that I was going to start feeling his little kicks and stretches. I knew I would know the difference between baby and anything gas, and I was right. I have been feeling him pretty regular ever since. I thought I would feel him higher up but actually I am feeling him pretty low. Sometimes it is a multiple of tapping flutters. Sometimes it is a single light thump. Usually I feel it more when there is a little extra pressure on my lower abdomen.

On my babycenter updates they said he should be about 3/4 of a pound now and as long as a carrot. Well he is probably about a full pound since he was 14oz at the ultrasound last Tuesday. This makes me wonder if I will be delivering early if Baby Mort has been consistently big.

Friday I bought my very first Baby Mort things. I just bought two packs of short sleeved onesies - but I wanted to have something that I bought first. Looking at these cute little onesies reminds you of just how small he will be when he is born. I probably won't be thinking that however when he is popping out of my tata though. Of course I bought the 8-12 pound baby ones instead of the newborn. Both Tony and I were over 8 pounds and Baby Mort is bigger than the average baby so that just made sense.


The Maggio's said...
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Anonymous said...

Let me try this again.... YAY! I'm so glad you finally felt him!