Monday, April 13, 2009

I have........

a banana. LOL

Well that is what the baby center place said any way. I have a one pound banana from head to toes. We have now moved into the arena where they measure the baby from head to toes instead of head to butt. I feel like I already have a 3 pound banana in there though. And Baby Mort has been stretching me quite a bit this past week. And if it weren't for the ultrasound confirming otherwise - I would swear I am having twins.

We find out tomorrow exactly "what" Baby Mort really is - aside from being the size of a banana that is. :) Waiting month to month to hear the heartbeat is a bit grueling at times. Mainly because I STILL do NOT feel ANYTHING!!!!!! I know Baby Mort is growing though cause my stomach is getting so big. So I at least feel confident that it is alright. I will tell you however, I am so glad to be finding out tomorrow so I can just start telling people what Baby Mort is and instead of listening to everyone in their mother guess at what it is. Really - I know it sounds weird, but it is sort of making my head spin. All these wives tales of what it is and why it is what it is....blah blah blah. Everyone has an opinion, the Chinese Conception calendar can't even get on the same page with itself and I have no clue whatsoever.

1 comment:

Double A's Mom said...

I CANNOT WAIT TO HEAR YOUR NEWS!!!! BTW, the Chinese Conception calendar said I was having a girl and Bethanie was having a boy. Both wrong. Don't rely on anything except the ultrasound. And even then...well, we won't talk about that.