Monday, May 21, 2007

7 days from today I become a Mrs.......

Holy crap Batman. 7 days from today and I will officially be married.

I would say I am no starting to be in full emotional mode. Waves a sweetness and tears when the song we will dance to is on the radio - which I have heard twice today and once yesterday. The tears are of course happy tears - they really are about the fullness of that moment. But I really do hate crying in general. SO I find myself loving the memory and idea dn getting pissed off beause I am crying and it isn't even THE moment yet.

Today I go get waxed. I won't share the Too Much Information bit with you - but it will be a new and interesting experience. Tomorrow we have a couple things to do - mainly laundry and packing and getting the car serviced. But I can tell you this - I am already checked out of work. I'm ready to be gone from here for the day and of course for longer than that but one thing at a time. I am grateful that there are no more things to buy and only one more box is showing up - today of course. :) I am ready for this journey that awaits Tony and I. The timeline is set and the adventures are about ready to start. Tony and I do road trips well together so the idea of being with him in a car for a 24 hour road trip split into two days - actually it is quite fun. We have had many a great talks on those kinds of trips and have been lucky enough not to even need the radio at points for hours on end. We've braved several scary weather moments while on the road and both look at each other after and go - that was close...moving on.

Of all the things I am not afraid of in getting married is being able to weather tough issues while married. I feel Tony and I have already weathered some tough life changing things and have been able to get through them just fine. Our communication is pretty good so we are usually pretty good about talking things through. I definitely don't think I have had cold feet at any point during this process. Now I am 30. If i was younger it might be a different story. But I feel ready and feel I have the right man. SO LET'S DO IT!!!!!!

Leaving in 48 hours from now.............
The Bride

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